Category: Nursing

  • Nursing homework help

    (A) This is part 1 of your required term paper. In this part, you are to choose a topic as your focus. Choose a topic that will incorporate 3-4 of the concepts discussed within this course (such as ethics, leadership, communication, and quality) and write a short 50 word or less summary of what you…

  • Nursing homework help

    Criteria for Personal Philosophy of Nursing Reflection Paper: PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING REFLECTION PAPER DUE DATE: (WEEK 4)  The purpose of this paper is to define, describe and explain your personal beliefs about the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm and their inter-relationship to one another as they guide your current nursing practice. There are…

  • Nursing homework help

    SELECT ONLY ONE QUESTION TO WORK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ·      Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines. ·      Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph. ·      All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.)…

  • >Nursing homework help

     Pharmacotherapeutics is the application of pharmacological information together with the knowledge of the disease for its prevention, mitigation or cure in which selection of the most appropriate drug, dosage and duration of treatment is taken into account (Khan & Siddiqui, 2016). Patient is a 26 year old female of Korean decent that was recently admitted…

  • Nursing homework help

    pharm week 8 discussion post Attention-deficet/hyperactivity disorder is a neuropsychiatric disorder affecting 5-11% of children with boys being two to three times more likely to diagnosed (Rosenthal DNP ACNP, Laura & Burchum DNSc APRN BC, Jacqueline, 2020). A diagnosed with ADHD can be made if the symptoms began before the age of seven and have to have been exhibited for…

  • Nursing homework help

    As you plan, develop, implement and evaluate your nursing practicum project, reflect on how this project and your graduate education have prepared you to meet the growing needs of healthcare and the diverse populations we serve. This week you will address Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health. see attached pdf file…

  • Nursing homework help

    As you plan, develop, implement and evaluate your nursing practicum project, reflect on how this project and your graduate education have prepared you to meet the growing needs of healthcare and the diverse populations we serve. This week you will address Essential IX: Master’s Level Nursing Practice 400 words : 2 sites: look at attached…

  • Nursing homework help

    Directions: Interview a nurse leader from a professional nursing organization to collect ideas for the project. Utilize your readings, research and resources to build the content. you will design a voice- narrated Powerpoint or Prezi  to create a presentation and provide an overview of a grassroots policy challenge (present or past) that the identified organization…

  • Nursing homework helpNursing homework help

    Develop a data table that illustrates one or more underperforming clinical outcomes in a care environment of your choice. Write an assessment (3–5 pages) in which you set one or more quantitative goals for the outcomes and propose a change plan that is designed to help you achieve the goals. Note: Each assessment in this…

  • Nursing homework help

    1. Nursing Philosophy (from prior course) as your personal statement. It is what it is your hallmark as an Advanced Practitioner. Example as follow: Personal statement or philosophy statement relating to your role as an APN PORTFOLIO-NursingPhilosophy.docx