Communications Homework Help

The challenge to be addressed In creating the strategic architecture for the military organization, the top most challenge is keeping the military personnel to be engaged. Many people consider that be

The challenge to be addressed

In creating the strategic architecture for the military organization, the top most challenge is keeping the military personnel to be engaged. Many people consider that being in the military is a way to show honor and service to the country. On the other hand, some believe that it is a straight way to die in combat. This notion has to be fixed, and the strategic architecture has to focus on the ways that this challenge can be solved. There are many men and women who join military organizations. Apart from the given perception, some believe that the military personnel duties are specified for males only. This is not true. Apart from this, keeping them engaged, and joining in large numbers has been a challenge (Correia, 2019). Some join for a few years, like four only, instead of joining for 20 years or so.