Communications Homework Help

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer 2013 decision to ban the company existing work-from-home policy 1.What are the critical issues in the case and who are the stakeholders? 2. Is there a need for Yahoo to defen

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer 2013 decision to ban the company existing work-from-home policy

1.What are the critical issues in the case and who are the stakeholders? 2. Is there a need for Yahoo to defend or further explain its new work-from-home policy? If so, what should the content of the message be, to whom should it be delivered, who should send the message, and what would the best delivery medium be? 3. Should Yahoo adjust its new policy? If so, what changes should be made and why should they be made? 4. Should Yahoo change the way it disseminates company-wide confidential information? If so, what is a better alternative to their current practice? 5. Should Marissa Mayer be concerned about reactions from individuals, special interest groups, the media, or experts who are not associated with Yahoo? 6. Should Marissa Mayer be concerned about reactions from Wall Street, particularly among institutional investors?