Communications Homework Help

A bit more on the two reception areas and staff: Here’s the situation. Everybody is under the same executive director. There are three directors/administrators that report to the same executive direct

A bit more on the two reception areas and staff:

Here’s the situation. Everybody is under the same executive director. There are three directors/administrators that report to the same executive director. Everybody is in the same building, but the two main service areas (medical and counseling) use two separate reception/admissions areas that are connected. So yes, the two different reception staffs are not currently cross-trained and use different scheduling systems. Plus, the medical area charges for some services and has a complex scheduling computer system, while the counseling center never charges for services. Medical appointments are commonly 15-20 minutes in length, while counseling sessions are 1 hr. in length.

Two pages, double-spaced, minimum. The assignment is worth 20 points