Communications Homework Help

Case Assignment Prepare and deliver a persuasive speech that would be approximately two minutes (equates to two typed pages) in length in which you persuade your audience to be either for or against a

Case Assignment

Prepare and deliver a persuasive speech that would be approximately two minutes (equates to two typed pages) in length in which you persuade your audience to be either for or against a fact, value, or policy; or to act/do something. Often, a more controversial issue will provoke an audience more than one that no one really cares about. Be sure to steer clear of topics that are overdone. These include abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, etc.

Before recording, please view an example to guide you in your preparation and delivery of a persuasive speech.

Nishiyama, S. (2014). Persuasive Speech Exemplar – ‘Nap Time.’ Retrieved from

A minimum of two references are required and must be included and credited within the speech.

It is recommended that you complete a speech outline to aid in your delivery.