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Discussion: TED Speech: Ash Beckham: We’re All Hiding Something. Let’s Find the Courage to Open UpPrevious Next View Ash Beckham’s speech, We’re All Hiding Something. Let’s Find the Courage to Open U

Discussion: TED Speech: Ash Beckham: We’re All Hiding Something. Let’s Find the Courage to Open UpPrevious Next 

View Ash Beckham’s speech, We’re All Hiding Something. Let’s Find the Courage to Open Up, and respond to the following:

  1. Discuss whether or not Beckham opens her speech with an effective attention-getter.
  2. What is Beckham’s thesis (main point or “message”)?
  3. List some of Beckham’s main points as well as the details/examples she uses as support.
  4. Is Beckham’s conclusion effective? Explain why or why not.
  5. Discuss the “takeaway” for you in this speech. Were there any memorable lines or moments? What “message” might you take and use in your everyday life?