Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. How to overcome Cyber Threats in financial organizations?
Need the paper in 3000 words, in APA format.
Paper must specify the project background, motivation and relevance to your program of study; its scope, aims, and objectives; a plan of the major activities. Your proposal should draw on current and recent research and other appropriate sources of information and cite these sources using a consistent standard referencing system.
Research question 
You should aim to outline a research question. This research question defines what you want to study and is the first step in development of your project proposal.
Produce a summary of what your project will achieve in one or two sentences. 
Background, Motivation and Relevance – literature review
· Set out and justify, using supporting literature, where your work will fit in the computing body of knowledge. 
· Outline and critically discuss what relevant research has been undertaken, in the past, in your area of interest and why this project is necessary. 
· Outline and critically discuss why the research will be of value, in the future, and what the anticipated impact of the outcomes will be.
· Provide a diagram such as a mind map illustrating the position in the computing body of knowledge.
· Outline why you want to undertake this work, some areas to consider are, personal motivation, skills set and career choices, a gap in the knowledge base.
· Outline and justify the scope of your project – what you intend to do, you may also want to say what you will not include but might be expected by others to be incorporated.
· Outline numbered steps (SMART Objectives) you will have to complete in order to achieve the aims and would provide sufficient work to conclude your research question. 
After each objective outline the deliverables and or outcomes that will be produced as a result of this objective’s work.  Outline how you will assess and or measure the quality for that objective. Outline what research method/design you will adopt for each objective and how each method will support one another.
· Break down the objectives into tasks and produce a task list, each task should outline, deliverable, resources (all types) required, skills required, time required. 
· Produce a risk log (see example on your Blackboard Assessment tab) for you project. Each objective should be assessed based on risks, such as technical, personal, resources, time, and costs etc factors.
· Identify and justify a journal where your work would be relevant for publication.
· Identify and apply aspects of the standards for publication in the target journal that you can incorporate into your project proposal, so for example the referencing system, font style and pitch etc, instructions usually found under the journal’s advice to authors.
· Identify, justify and critically discuss any authors, journals where previous relevant research has been published within the last 5 years. 
· Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues
Using literature, write out a separate section for Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues. In your deliberations discuss, explore and define all of the issues associated with your project, including how you will consider security issues. If you think an area of this section is not applicable to your project, you should justify why this is the case; leaving any section blank will result in a loss of marks.
References: these should be primarily used to support your Background, Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues sections and include the latest relevant research in your chosen topic area. All references in the reference list must also appear within the body of the report. There is no ideal number of references recommended but a guide might be no less than 10 – 15 sources should be used. 

Computer Science homework help


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