Criminal homework help

In this exercise students will learn to use that databases at Kean University and identify scholarly resources.
Students are to log into the Kean University Library using, from there they will access databases and then use the subject specific database for Criminal Justice. Follow the search instructions below. From there students will find and download two articles one from EBSCOhost and one from ProQuest.
Write down the total number for search results. Find and download an article on Social Disorganization Theory from ProQuest. Using Chapter 1, provide the APA citation for this article. Explain why this is a scholarly resource.
You will submit your document with the following information.

  1. Identify the total number for search results for EBSCOhost.
  2. Provide an APA citation for this article.
  3. Explain why this is a scholarly resource.
  4. Identify the total number for search results for EBSCOhost.
  5. Provide and APA citation for this article.
  6. Explain why this a scholarly article.
  • attachment
