Economics Homework Help

A bank is trying to decide on how to compensate one of their loan

Jim is a farmer who produces organic tomatoes and conventional corn. The direct growing costs of organic tomatoes and traditional corn aregiven by ao and acQ. In order to have his tomatoes certified as organic, the US Department of Agriculture requires that Jim plant a “bufferzone” (such as a line of trees or grass) between the organic tomatoes and the corn to ensure no pesticides from the cornfields accidentallycontaminate the organic tomatoes. Thus in addition to the direct costs of growing the crops mentioned above, Jim must pay aBQoQc in bufferconstruction costs. (ao > 0, ac > 0, aB > 0.)Write Jim’s total cost function as a function of,QB.OC(Qo, Qc) = a (Q3 + Q2 + QoQc)OC(Qo, Qc) = doacaB9%20OC(Qo, Qc) = aBQoQc -a09% – accOC(Qo, Qc) = a023 + acQ + aBQoQcOC(Qo, Qc) = 09% + acQ2 – aBQoQcOC(Qo, Qc) = (do + ac + QB) Q2