>Economics homework help

Discussion Topic #1: What shortcomings do you find in the methodology and analytical process after comparing and contrasting them? (Please see attachments)
In addition to the assigned readings this week, conduct independent research for this topic. Locate an article, PPT, or web site that supports your position for Discussion Topic #1. After you reference it in your post, place the article or PPT into the Doc Sharing area to facilitate future student use. When you place it into the Doc Sharing area use the following format: Week 4 – McLellan- National Integration Center sets policy (the article or PPT name).
Required Readings
National Incident Management System (NIMS) chapters 2 & 5. (Please see attachment)
Canton, L. G. (2007). Emergency management: Concepts and strategies for effective programs. Hoboken, NJ. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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