English Homework Help

Do you agree with Heidi M. Hurd’s assignment, which she presents in “Why Liberals Should Hate ‘Hate Crime Legislaiton’,” that hatred and bias are not justifiable targets for increased criminal sanctio

Do you agree with Heidi M. Hurd’s assignment, which she presents in “Why Liberals Should Hate ‘Hate Crime Legislaiton’,” that hatred and bias are not justifiable targets for increased criminal sanctions?

Use teh following scheme to mark essay assignents. It describes the basic components that you should include in your essay: You position on the issue; Arguments for your positions; objections to your arguements; Responses to the objection; Writing, grammar and style. 

Defending a position crafted in consideration of what a thoughful opponent might say is the core of the discipline of philosophy and of good essay writing. Such objections can be drawn from research into the contending positions on an issue, such as you might uncover as you consider the different ethical outlooks covered in this course, your imagination, research or conversations with others.