English Homework Help

des for specific grading criteria. Session 1 DiscussionSession 1 DiscussionClick on the Session 1 Discussion link and create a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initi

  • des for specific grading criteria. 
  • Session 1 DiscussionSession 1 DiscussionClick on the Session 1 Discussion link and create a new thread to respond to the discussion prompt. After posting your initial response, please comment on classmates’ responses. Respond by making constructive responses or by raising other questions that will promote further discussion and learning by all of us.It is best practice to post early and continually participate throughout the session. You will be graded not only for your posting, but your participation in this discussion. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 P.M. (MT) of the session in which the discussion is assigned. A minimum of two (2) additional response posts are due on Sunday at 11:59 P.M. (MT).  Participation is required on at least three days throughout the week. These are minimum requirements. Be sure to follow any additional guidelines posted by the instructor.Review the rubric available in  Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.Discussion Prompt: Introductions and Conclusions, Part 1Introductions (openings) and conclusions frame an essay and contribute to the unity of the whole. The introduction sets up the topic and the main idea (thesis). The introduction does two things: it hooks the reader’s interest and points to the direction and scope the essay will take. It prepares the reader for what he or she is about to read. The conclusion reaffirms (restates using different words) the thesis and rounds out the ideas. The conclusion brings the essay to a satisfying close for the reader.Following are two introductory paragraphs for an essay on the importance of teaching children how to swim . After reading and analyzing the two paragraphs, answer the following questions:
    • Which introduction is more effective? Explain your answer. Point out the strengths and weaknesses of each introduction.
    • What would the body of this essay consist of (based on your choice of the more effective introduction)? What kinds of evidence would be included? Be specific rather than general in your response.
    • Write a suitable title for the essay.
    • Who would be suitable audiences for each of these introductions?
  • Session 1 Five Paragraph PaperIn this first session you will write a five-paragraph paper in which you identify three goals for your educational career at Colorado Christian University, explain those goals, and describe how you plan to achieve them. The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your ability to craft a simple five-paragraph paper before we move on to more advanced types of writing in this course.Remember, a five-paragraph paper needs to contain the following:
    • Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs
      • The introduction sets up the topic and the main idea (thesis). It does two things: it hooks the reader’s interest and points to the direction and scope the essay will take.
      • Strong introduction paragraphs culminate with a thesis statement that makes a clear claim/argument about the central point of the paper.
      • The introduction paragraph prepares the reader for what he or she is about to read. The conclusion reaffirms (restates using different words) the thesis and rounds out the ideas.
      • The conclusion brings the essay to a satisfying close for the reader.
      • Introduction and conclusion paragraphs frame an essay and contribute to the unity of the whole.
    • Three Supporting Paragraphs
      • Topic sentences introduce your reader to the paragraph.
      • Concluding sentences transition your reader to the next paragraph.
      • The main body of the paper consists of the supporting paragraphs. Supporting paragraphs expand ideas that were presented in the introduction and substantiate or support the thesis statement.