Human Resource Management homework help

Human Resource Management homework help.


Leadership Approach
Find a current business event from The Wall Street Journal that represents a leadership challenge. Now, imagine you have been asked to step into the leadership role to manage the challenge.
Discuss the steps you would take in the first 90 days of your leadership. Explain your approach by applying learning from the lectures, videos, and readings this week, as well as any relevant concepts from earlier in the course.
NOTE: Be sure to include a link to the article you are discussing in your post.
Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone
First Response
RE: Week 9 DiscussionCOLLAPSE
This article is about Apple Inc declining sales of the smartphone and decided to release a new training operation in Vietnam to continue production.
Apple and its investors are having setbacks in making the iPhone product in China due to the coronavirus. With people becoming ill and dying from the virus China industry is lacking production and sales are plummeting quickly. They have lost more than $100 billion in revenue from the factory shut down and this was unexpected.
The article goes into detail about Apple using China because “The country provides a stable, efficient, low-cost manufacturing base with an abundant network of suppliers that have helped cement Apple’s profitability.” With this being said, the company is looking for a way out by thinking of transferring the product line to Vietnam or India because it’s cheaper to manufacture there product but if they do this it would put china in jeopardy of losing the most revenue because they use many different vendors and migrant workers. Throughout the article, it goes on to talk about Apple and the company’s product sales in the past and how Trump wanted to expand trade from China.
If I had to step into the leadership position at Apple, I would try to bring the product line back to the US. I say this because it will create revenue for our country. Jobs, productivity, cost-effectiveness, low-cost delivery of the product, using different vendors and brining up their production products. In my opinion, America’s have paid much money into Iphones, earbuds, watches, etc. why not pay it forward to the people of America? There are many people here in the US that need jobs and income. Why not build up our country? We have to learn how to build up our country together by helping others. Yes, it may cost a little bit more money, but the value of the product will be beneficial for everyone.
Wouldn’t you like to see more labels saying, “Made in America?”
Kubota, Y. & Mickle, T. (2020) Tim Cook and apple bet everything on China. Then coronavirus hit. Retrieved from
Second Response
RE: Week 9 DiscussionCOLLAPSE
Hello Dr.G and class
Retrieved from
At a meeting, Netflix Chief Executive Reed Hastings was faced with a dilemma of publicly firing the chief communications officer Jonathan Friedland or ignoring the whole situation.  Mr. Friedland used the “N-word” in front of guests and employees (Ramachandran & Flint, 2018). The incident embarrassed the company’s culture of transparency and radical openness. After realizing his mistake, Mr. Friedland apologized in front of his colleagues and expected that he would be forgiven. Despite his apology, Mr. Hastings fired him for fear of painting the company s racists. While addressing the gathering at a corporate retreat, Mr.Hastings tore as he explained how he was sorry for taking too long to act on Mr. Friedland. He cited the incidence as a learning opportunity for the company and reiterated that Netflix took its culture seriously. Just as Watkins (2016), stated, leaders may sometimes act in ways that do not represent the company’s culture, therefore causing immune system attacks within the company.
As a leader, I would first call my staff to the office and pursue to know why he went against the organization’s culture. I would expect him to explain in detail what happened and let him know how people got irked by his speech. According to Ibarra, Rattan, & Johnston (2018), this is an essential step when trying to recover from a disaster. The next step would be to hold sessions where I would listen to employees to express their opinions regarding the incident. I would encourage them to express themselves without fear, as it would help me make a wise decision.
Ibarra, H., Rattan, A., & Johnston, A. (2018). Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a growth mindset. Harvard Business Review case no. LBS128 (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Ramachandran, S., & Flint, J. (2018, October 25). At Netflix, Radical Transparency and Blunt Firings Unsettle the Ranks. Retrieved from
Watkins, M. (2016, January 25). The Seven Biggest Traps in the First 90 Days and How to Avoid Them. Retrieved from sand-how-avoid-them-Michael-Watkins/
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