Law Homework Help

You have discussed Mr. McMahon’s case with your supervisor, and she agrees on your recommended course of action. She instructs you to inform the court of the violations that have been committed by Mr.

You have discussed Mr. McMahon’s case with your supervisor, and she agrees on your recommended course of action. She instructs you to inform the court of the violations that have been committed by Mr. McMahon in the form of a violation report, which will also include your recommendations. Your violation report should include the proper headings: “To,” “From,” “Date,” and “Re:.” The docket number and case file number should appear in the “Re:” section. Given what you know about Mr. McMahon, address the following in a Word document that is 750–900 words in length:

  • Create a formal violation report that provides the court with all of the necessary information. Your report should be addressed to Judge J. Stone of the Lynchburg Circuit Court, and it should include the following sections:
    • A narrative section for identifying information, which includes the original offense and disposition
    • A narrative section for the violation information, which will include a listing of conditions violated
    • A narrative section including your recommendations for the case
  • For the purpose of this assignment, Mr. McMahon’s court docket number is 12358, and his case file number is 34711. Base the time frame of the violations off of today’s date, and feel free to add detail to your memo, provided that it does not change the character of the alleged violations.

Format your report in the form of a letter to a Circuit Court Judge. Remember this is a legal document to be submitted to the court, so be mindful of your grammar, syntax, and tone.