Literature Homework Help

The instructions, and units for this world literature course are attached. Please follow the instructions, and absolutely no plagiarism. A reference page is necessary, reliable sources please this is

This assignment is to write a research based essay (annotated bibliography) analyzing two or more woks of Literature covered in this course. Include why these sources are beneficial. Units to choose from are Unit 1: Epic Poetry – Homer,  Odyssey – Virgil, Aeneid – Ovid, Metamorphoses – Dante, Inferno – and Sunjata. Unit 2: Ancient Athenian Drama – Sophocles, oedipus Rex – Artistophanes, Lysistrata – and Aeschylus. Unit 3: Sacred Literature – Genesis – Koran – New Testament – and Confucius, Analects  


The instructions, and units for this world literature course are attached. 

Please follow the instructions, and absolutely no plagiarism. A reference page is necessary, reliable sources please this is an annotated bibliography, MLA 8-10 sources