Management Homework Help

1. In relation to D-Cubed Ltd -a. Were D-Cubed Ltd required to provide Alpha with disclosure under Chapter 6 D of

Flinders Partners Consultants and Corporate Advisers CLIENT INSTRUCTIONS A number of issues are brought to our attention: In July 2019. Dillion received information about a new company “D-Cubed Ltd” — an Australiancompany with its registered office located in Sydney. Dlliion read an article in a scientific journallast year about SD printing silicone heart valves for surgeries. Wading; unlikeexisting products. 30 printed valves are custom fit to patients. are longer lasting. do not requireimmunosuppression drugs. and potentially less expensive. It sounded like a great idea andDillion’s industry research established that D-Cubed Ltd were looking to manufacture 3D printingsilicone machines for Australian hospitals. Carol and Dillon met with the company’s executives later that month and were provided with aprospectus which included the following statement: “Funds raised will be principally utilised to purchase land and buildings in Tullarnarine,Victoria, and capital equipment required to manufacture 3D printing machines.“ In August 2019. Aipha acquired 500.000 ordinary shares D~Cubed Ltd at $1 per share. No otherinvestors made investments in D~Cubed Ltd. In February 2020. it is now revealed that D-Cubed Ltd used funds to purchase land in Altonanot Tullamanne. Further this land was for the company’s head office and could notaccommodate an industrial factory required to manufacture the 3D printing machines. Leakeddocuments dated April 2019 reveal that D-Cubed had always pianned to engage a third partycontractor overseas to manufacture the machines and have them shipped to Australia. Carolhas personally complained to senior management and they threatened to cancel Alpha’s shares. In August 2020. Carol has offers from an additional 10 individual sophisticated investors toinvest at least $300.000 in Alpha in exchange for ordinary shares. Joe tells Carol that he doesnot think Alpha is able to issue shares to all 10 prospective investors and recommends listingon the Australian Stock Exchange. In September 2020. Alpha received notice that a company that they are invested in – WearableDiagnostics Pty Ltd — is insolvent and the directors have put the company into voluntaryadministration. Alpha purchased $2 million worth of shares in the company in 2018. Carol andDillon still believe in its fundamental business proposition and think that the problem is with incompetent management and operating inefficiencies. Joe proposes that it might be possiblefor Alpha to save or otherwise take over the Wearable Diagnostics’ business.