Management Homework Help

Program Development: no less than 4 pages in length and should be written in APA You are the Executive Director of your own organization, an existing organization, or a new organization you founded. Y

Program Development: no less than 4 pages in length and should be written in APA

You are the Executive Director of your own organization, an existing organization, or a new

organization you founded. You can either takeover a current program in this organization and

describe the program or develop an entirely new program.

What is the mission, vision, and background information of the organization?

Create or revamp an existing program.

Why are you creating this program?

Is there a need?

Who are you serving?

What are the goals of the project?

What “input” is needed for the program or project?

What are the “activities” that will take place to achieve the goal?

What is the outcome of the program?

What is the impact of the program?