Marketing Homework Help

Your case analysis should be short and only contain the key ideas for each section. Analyze the case and document the outline with your own analysis and use information in the case to support your ana

Your case analysis should be short and only contain the key ideas for each section. Analyze the case and document the outline with your own analysis and use information in the case to support your analysis. 

Your discussion should only be 1 to 2 pages in length.

Case Analysis Outline 

  1. Analyze the company’s history, development, and growth.
  2. Identify the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Analyze the external environment.
  4. Perform a SWOT analysis.
  5. Analyze corporate-level strategy (Company as a whole).
  6. Analyze business-level strategy (The particular company division or component the case is concerned with).
  7. Analyze and correlate the company’s strategic plan to that of its structure and control systems.
  8. Make recommendations
  9. Follow-up plan and schedule (What actions would the company need to undertake to ensure the recommendations / changes were successful?)