Nursing Homework Help

Written Presentation: ( Herpes Simplex virus )
1-Please select one of the microorganisms annotated in this homework and before you start working with it.  Each student must have a different germ. ( Herpes simplex virus )
Please define in the agent selected the following information:( Herpes simplex virus )
2)Organs affected in the body.
3)Chain of infection and its Links associated: Infectious agentReservoirs, Portal of Exit, Route of Transmission, Portal of Entry, and Susceptible Host defined in the chosen agent.
4)Incidence, Prevalence, and Prevention of this infectious disease.
5)Treatment if possible.
6)Please answer, being a NURSE: “How are you going to break down the chain of infection of the selected microorganism, to avoid Cross-Contamination?”
*******The answers have to be in your words. The teacher does not like to copy and paste from the internet. He is strict.