Philosophy homework help

Topic/instructions: Write a short journal essay of 400 – 500 words that treats both (a) and (b) below.  This journal is due by no later than 11:30 pm on Tuesday, 12/8.
You can organize your writing on (a) and (b) as you like.  But to write a good journal piece, my recommendation is that you treat both (a) and (b) substantially, so that you have a balanced journal.  Also, even though this a short journal assignment, paragraphing can be helpful for organizing your thoughts and making transitions, and I recommend that you think about writing your journal in 2-3 paragraphs, rather than just one long paragraph.
(a) Consider the Smith-Jones personal identity problem on p. 200 of the Solomon .pdf file.  In your own words, summarize what the problem is.
(b) Consider also the reading on Sartre that we have done in the Solomon .pdf.  How would Sartre respond to the Smith-Jones problem?
Making references: If you make a specific reference to the Solomon reading, then just make an in-text, parenthetical page reference, such as: (Solomon, 201).
Submitting your journal here on Blackboard: First click on where is says ‘Journal 4’ above.   After this, scroll down to  ‘Assignment Submission’, and click on where it says ‘Write Submission.’  A text box pops up, and then you either type your journal directly in the space, or copy/paste your journal into the space.
After putting your journal in that text space, you can either click on ‘Save as Draft’, or ‘Submit.’  If you click on ‘Save as Draft’, it means you have saved a draft of your journal in that space on Blackboard – you can come back to Blackboard later and continue to work on it.  Also, do note that I cannot see the journal when you have clicked on ‘Save as Draft.’  If you put your journal in the text space and then click on ‘Submit,’ then the journal is submitted to me, and I can see it.
I would like you to put your journal directly into the space as described in the preceding paragraphs.  Also, do not email your journal to me.
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