Reading homework help

 Question 1:   In our reading from The Spirituality of Nursing for Unit 2, the term “anonymous minister” was used and explained. What did you understand this term to mean and which characteristics of this “calling” as explained in pages 76 – 95 have special appeal or meaning to you?  Have you ever had a concrete situation that you can share with the class where you felt as though you were acting with a patient as an “anonymous minister?”   How did that situation turn out and what was that like for you and/or the patient?  If you have not had such an actual experience, how did our reading in chapter 5 help you envision such a possible situation for your own future work with patients?
Question 2:  After reading chapter 6 in Spirituality of Nursing, what concerns that patients might have as regards their own spiritual questions really stood out for you?  Please be specific in referring to our reading in chapter 6 to answer this question.  What insights did our text help you gain in regards to these issues.
Question 3: As regards the problem of suffering in particular, name and discuss two insights from each of the two assigned videos on the meaning of human suffering, i.e., video #1 & video #2 in YouTube Video Portlet #1, which stood out for you and helped you make sense of why God allows suffering to exist.  How might these additional insights help you in both simply undergoing suffering with your patients  — and in responding to patients’ questions on suffering?
Question 4: Using both the material in our assigned reading and the videos, name and discuss at least 3 points that you learned about “ People of African American Heritage” cultural group that were helpful to you. How might you see yourself making use of the information learned about this group in your nursing and/or healthcare work? Are there any insights about the spirituality of this group that you felt were missing from the text’s consideration and that you would like to add for our class learning and discussion?
Question 5: Using both the material in our assigned reading and the videos, name and discuss at least 3 points that you learned about “ The Amish” cultural group that were helpful to you. How might you see yourself making use of the information learned about this group in your nursing and/or healthcare work? Are there any insights about the spirituality of this group that you felt were missing from the text’s consideration and that you would like to add for our class learning and discussion?
Question 6: Using both the material in our assigned reading and the videos, name and discuss at least 3 points that you learned about “People of Appalachian Heritage” cultural group that were helpful to you. How might you see yourself making use of the information learned about this group in your nursing and/or healthcare work? Are there any insights about the spirituality of this group that you felt were missing from the text’s consideration and that you would like to add for our class learning and discussion?