Social Science Homework Help

Gender has been a topic of much controversy, contentment and social divide in our society, particularly in the last decade. A part of that discourse is the fact that, societies that uphold gender role

Gender has been a topic of much controversy, contentment and social divide in our society, particularly in the last decade. A part of that discourse is the fact that, societies that uphold gender roles and gender in general (which is all societies- some more than others), are more likely to experience patterns of gender stratification. This assignment will explore that notion, concentrating on (1) Gender Stratification in America or (2) Gender Stratification around the world, focusing on India. Select one of the following question options and respond to both parts of the question that you have selected.

Option # 1: Gender in the Workplace- The United States

  1. Define gender stratification and provide 2 examples of gender stratification (in the US and or around the world)
  2. Define the “The Gender Pay Gap” that exists in the United States and discuss the reasons why it exists (Site at least 3 specific reasons like the testosterone bonus.
  3. What is femicide and how does it relate to culture and gender?

Use the discussion notes on D2L, and conduct your own research to complete this assignment.

This assignment should be typed using a 12 point font, double spaced and should be no more than 3-4 pages and uploaded to the HW tab on D2L. Citations should be used to avoid plagiarism.