Social Science homework help

What kind of questions would you include on an intelligence test to minimize cultural bias?
The second half of your Discussion Board assignment will be your response to another PSY 1010 classmate in Unit V. Be sure to include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”
***Be sure to proof your responses before posting to eliminate misspellings and typos. Please also use punctuation and capitalize where necessary. Ex- “I” is always capitalized. Proofing your work will ensure that your message is clear and understood by your reader, a necessity in communication. Points will be deducted if these guidelines are not followed.
I don’t believe there is a ways to make questions to minimize or eliminate cultural bias.  It will always exist until we as a population of people, recognize that some folks are smarter than others, and not everyone wins.  No matter what you put on the exam, the bias will remain and the feeling that the test was out to get a specific student because of their lack of socioeconomic advantages, or learning disability.  Some folks are terrible test takers.  Not because they didn’t study, but because of the anxiety we have placed on exams as a ranking system of how smart a person is.  What we know is that those that do well on tests may not always do well with common sense or life experiences.  It’s amazing that they can regurgitate facts and break down a question; however, when you introduce critical thinking concepts or situations into the exam, they do poorly as they have book smarts but no street smarts.  I feel the best exam would be all inclusive of all concepts regardless of culture.