Sociology homework help

  • Design a survey of approx. 10 questions (you may make more or less)
    1) Who will you survey? How many people? Why?
    a) Will your surveys be anonymous (yes)
    How will you administer your survey?
    a) By hand, by phone, by mail, email, website, etc
    2) What type of questions and responses do you want? closed, Likert  scale? Choices ABC? T/F? etc.
    3) Test your survey questions
    a) Get feedback (word choice, order, leading, are you getting the information you were looking for?
    b) Redesign survey  (your improvements should be obvious)
    4) Test your survey questions again
    a) Get feedback (word choice, order, leading, are you getting the information you were looking for?
    b) Redesign survey (your improvements should be obvious)
    a)  You want at least 25 responses
    6) Gather your results
    7) analyze your results
  • 1200-1600 words
  • Discuss
    1) How you chose your topic
    2) What information you wanted to gain
    3) How you wrote your questions and what information you wanted to get from them.
    4) How did you choose the order and layout of your survey?
    5) How did you decide who to sample?
    6)  How did you tabulate the data?
    7) What did you find?
    8) What does that mean?
    9) Any surprises?
    10) Final thoughts
    11)  Add a copy of your survey questions (as you distributed it at the end of paper, so I can look at).