Sociology homework help

1. Go to!/ (Links to an external site.)
2. Under Impact on US interests, how many are designated as Critical? How many are Significant? How many are Limited?
3. Choose one of the conflicts and click on it.
a. What conflict did you choose.
b. In general, what type of information are you able to find there (categories of information)?
c. Provide a 2-3 sentence summary of the conflict you chose.
4. Under Status of Conflict, how many are worsening? How many are unchanging? How many are improving?
5. Most of the conflicts which are listed as critical to US interests are what type of conflict? (It will take you a few steps to determine this so don’t just look for one thing to click)
6. Which region has the most conflicts listed as critical to US interests? Name the region and number of critical conflicts.
6b. Which region has the most conflicts designated as worsening? Name the region and number of worsening conflicts.
6c.  Which region has the most conflicts designated as improving? Name the region and number of improving conflicts.
6d. What generalizations, if any, can you draw from this?
7. Which of these conflicts listed as critical to US interests do YOU think is most likely to turn into full-scale war? Why? This question is worth 50% of the assignment grade (see rubric) so be sure to support your answer with information from course content, your own experience,  and current events.
Copying and pasting information directly from the different websites constitutes plagiarism and will result in a zero for the assignment.

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